
Hotel des Invalides. From the left: Tweeter, Jersey, KAARRLL!, Ty, le #*@%, Doc Rogers, the Duchess, the Sir, Lenny, and Fez

Archers at Crecy

Archers at Crecy

Map 1: French Advance on Crecy

Map 1: French Advance on Crecy

Map 2: English Defense at Crecy

Map 2: English Defense at Crecy

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Staff Ride Prep

Each cadet is responsible for leading a MAPEX (map exercise) for one or more of the battlesites that we will visit during our trip abroad. After reading both primary and secondary sources, the cadets utilize detailed terrain maps as well as Google Earth to examine and discuss points of contention. When we are on the ground, we will attempt to gain more perspective on the impact of the particular terrain, and to assess the merits of various historical debates.

We are very fortunate to have an expert in the field, PROF Clifford Rogers, leading us in our preparatory efforts and on our upcoming visits to the most notable sites of the Hundred Years' War.

Link to information about PROF Clifford Rogers.

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